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Coconut flakes ok on candida diet -

21-12-2016 à 07:36:36
Coconut flakes ok on candida diet
You may be able to have one or more of these. Cut through the confusion and hype and find out which sweeteners are safe for you and your family. I had pretty much been living on chicken, coconut, avocado and (unsulphured) bacon for about three days. I also wish there was a way to screen out the undesirable comments. Hold the nut firmly in your hand with the centre vein facing away from your palm. There are a quite a few Thai brands of coconut milk but only a few that do not contain the junk. Reply Miranda says July 31, 2013 at 11:04 pm You can buy non canned coconut milk now. Reply Sarah says February 9, 2015 at 11:43 am I felt like I was going to explode for a few days — not horrible but just major bloating. I want to read even more things about it. It has a softening effect on the tissues and helps many respiratory problems including bronchitis and pneumonia. Please let me know if this okay with you. Reply Suzanna Keats says March 17, 2015 at 9:01 am We get the Silk coconut milk. It is supplied in a metal pouch (not in a can). She told me to be very aware of how many calories the oil contained. Reply Juanima Hiatt says April 23, 2014 at 2:53 pm Thank you so much for this article. I make my own coconut milk and react to it. The ONLY one that is 100% pure coconut milk is Aroy-D. Reply Hannah says October 31, 2015 at 9:25 pm Please also be aware that many of these coconut products have been harvested by monkeys, often under inhumane conditions. I think you should be suspicious of plastic in general. Reply Lawrence says February 24, 2015 at 2:54 am The culprit is not an allergy to coconut milk that causes the bloating and other adverse GI effects that you describe, the culprit is usually the dreaded carrageenan additive. I do recognize there is a possibility of digestive issues when trying out a new food, so I am not writing off coconut milk just yet. It makes fabulous coconut milk. Reply Vivek says August 27, 2013 at 12:44 am Found this article very useful. Reply Allie says January 23, 2014 at 8:07 pm Great article. Reply Jeanne says January 28, 2015 at 9:54 am I have a short guy child (due to cyst that developed in small intestines as an infant. I ate eggs every AM for a year when I went paleo and became sensitive to them. I take a piece of masking tape and write the date on it. Well done for making the dangers know long before it was recognised as a dangerous ingredient in plastic manufacturing. Reply Michael says August 27, 2013 at 12:14 pm Silk and So Delicious are coconut beverages, not milk. Since moving to the USA from Australia, I have found that my local GP had not even heard of fructose malabsorption until I became her patient, so I need to find my information elsewhere. When I first read he negative title, I was thinking there was something bad or negative in the coconut itself. She suggests soaking a tampon in it and inserting the tampon for a few hours. I was too lazy and working too much but just shifting to low-carb instantly started the scale moving. Reading your post I am wondering if it might be the nasties dying off as you say or if I just cannot tolerate it. More research is coming out that levels toward the higher end of normal is healthier and necessary for proper hormone balance and neurological function. Guar gum. Reply Jeanenne says January 14, 2015 at 5:57 am If you go to Asian grocery stores, you may be able to find the Chao Koh brand that is sold in Tetrapaks. If it is a high-protein diet that you are following, please reconsider, they are known for great short term results but often cause more harm in the long term. Reply D-bags all around says January 20, 2014 at 4:58 pm Wow, this confirms my suspicion that most people generally suck in life. In addition to autoimmune issues, I have IBS and am very sensitive to high FODMAP foods. The next 10 to 20 years, nutritionists or whoever will need to closely study Foods found according the their land of residence (Plants found in their resident land). Reply Lynn says October 17, 2015 at 8:23 am I did not see anything about Silk unsweetened coconut milk in your article. Does fresh coconut milk also to be avoided by diabetics. I was always leaning to soy because he needs the extra calories. Reply Juan Babalu says September 21, 2014 at 12:29 pm Hi Chris, Thank you for your article. I can make my own, but with little kids, I have limited time. Reply j arnao says April 6, 2013 at 10:02 pm Turtle Mountain LLC claims that their coconuts used in their Coconut Milk are organic and nonGMO Their Coconut Milk is available in 6. So I was told to start by taking 3-4 tabs with larger protein meals and less depending on the protein down to 1 with fruits, vegetables and such. This is the best article I have read on the topic to date. Reply Mr. It works very well in the Magic Bullet with hot water added. Reply S says November 2, 2014 at 10:08 am Coconuts are very high in saturated fat, which, if too high in the diet, will cause the cholesterol to go up. Reply Allie says April 25, 2013 at 8:00 pm Hi Chris, very good article. Which means all processed food and most restaurant food. Reply Kimberly says July 20, 2014 at 7:14 pm The shreds are dry so cold water will not soften the product properly and release the fat. It has not additives at all and no BPA in the can. I live in Indonesia and coconut product is used highly in Indonesian culinary. And we buy it from Azure Standard. While fructose malabsorption can cause symptoms in anyone, those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) are particularly affected. Reply Annette says June 13, 2015 at 6:10 pm What is BPB. I have to say, I found this article helpful. Fractionated Oil or MCT Oil Fractionated oil or MCT oil is a liquid oil that does not get solid below 76 degrees like unrefined oil does. Reply marge201 says January 6, 2015 at 10:54 am This article is just what I needed. Then, like you said, into a nut milk bag, twist and squeeze. Janet Reply ken says October 4, 2013 at 8:44 am The title grabbed my attention, so I read the article. Reply shelly says May 15, 2015 at 4:46 pm Natural Value is another brand that has organic, BPA free and guar gum free coconut milk. I wonder about the connection between coconut and candida. Coconut milk is very good for you Reply dlanor says August 31, 2015 at 2:41 am You should have indicated that the coconut milk you are referring to is not fresh, hence misleading. Reply Steve George says January 8, 2014 at 5:54 am Market of Choice here in Corvallis sells Natural Value organic coconut milk in a can. Chris Reply Judith M Phillips says July 7, 2014 at 12:25 pm Actually, coconut milk and cream are available organic and BPA free from the following manufacturer. I went on a higher fat diet with coconut oil, grass-fed meats and dairy, and my triglycerides and LDL went down and my HDL went up. I drink almond milk, great option for those who are lactose intolerant. Reply kristy says August 21, 2015 at 12:16 pm I have a masters in nutrition and I say, keep reading and use the coconut oil. Sponsored articles need to be declared as sponsored otherwise it is just an insult to intelligence. Since it also has water added to it, it is ready for latte or smoothies once from the get go. If you dont want guar gum, Native forest has a carton option which has no guar gum or BPA but other potentially toxic ingredients like caregeenan Reply Daniela says April 4, 2014 at 9:20 pm I have been making a protein shake everyday (Monday-Friday for lunch for the last month with so delicious coconut milk. I do not feel that Chris villainized coconut milk at all. Reply Diane Randall says September 11, 2015 at 10:29 am Hey,my impetus was MS, and I agree 100% with you. Thanks, jana Reply Caitlin says October 29, 2013 at 8:46 pm The implication of what he said is that this particular brand is not widely available. The ingredients listed are: Coconut extract 60%, Water. People are so sick of all these dangers that we have to read about ALL THE TIME, that some of us have become incredible irritable. Reply Vanessa says November 28, 2016 at 8:52 pm I just had a coconut milk smoothie (about 200ml) -land have felt nauseous for about 4 hours. Because I cook and ate it for the whole week, to make deserts (with black sticky rice). Probably not as good, but is much less in cost than Aroy-D. I want to express a finding or rather a big newly found likely culprit of my issues and likely most of you out there. How do I balance the two in order to give fructose a ride out. The effects of carbohydrates and of lauric acid-rich fats on CAD risk remain uncertain. Maybe OK for a man but very slim for a woman. Some people will eat all the lipids they want, and never have disease. Coconut oil is also good for thyroid health. But it tastes like a completely different food than the supermarket variety I have been using. So now we have to worry about lead leaching into our food. Reply David says May 19, 2014 at 6:16 am Hi, a little off topic, but does anyone know is RAW shredded coconut vs toasted coconut better nutrient wise etc for making the coconut milk. Reply Mary says May 13, 2013 at 6:03 pm Chris, I find your whole philosophy about Paleo guidelines to be GREAT. I would have to learn to not drink them at all, which I use only for a chai occasionally, now. Even in healthy people without fructose malabsorption, however, only about 20-25g of fructose can be properly absorbed at one sitting. Lauric acid greatly increased total cholesterol, but much of its effect was on HDL cholesterol. I prefer to avoid processed where possible but if you have no problems and generally enjoy good health, go for it. Reply S says November 3, 2014 at 2:38 pm Any type of sat fat coconut included, can cause total cholesterol to rise. See msgtruth. I should have specified that I am drinking (Koko brand, available in UK) coconut dairy-free milk substitute in tetra-pak type cartons. I have no idea what was wrong with it that they had to do this. Reply Whatever says January 4, 2016 at 10:33 pm The best part for you IS the coconut juice inside the coconut. -Rendang lover. Fats, however, also affect HDL cholesterol, and the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol is a more specific marker of CAD than is LDL cholesterol. Most coconut milk is sold in cartons and the two brands I use are organic, non gmo, and free of guar gum. We mainly get our carbs from fruits and vegetables. 5 grams Sat fat for every 100 calorie portion. GMO. Incidentally, avocado and olive oil are also very high in salicylates. Here is what I learned in a nutshell Health Benefits: Has a soothing effect on the mucous membranes throughout the body. Put it on your wrinkles and any dark circles under your eyes. Reply Joyce S says October 10, 2014 at 3:08 pm It is my understanding that Natural Value meets all the requirements: it is organic, BPA-free, and guar gum free. I have chronic urticaria and eat a low histamine diet. No wonder i get nausea from coconut milk. I gave up the packaged coconut milk long time ago thinking it was the extra ingredients in it that caused my reaction, but still react. When posting to a site, with the intention of helping people, one should avoid painting with too broad strokes. I have not had the yolk vs white tested, but from what I understand, most people are sensitive to the white (PROTEINS). Reply Lisa says June 21, 2013 at 7:11 pm Ok so if we are trying to buy cans that are BPA free, what are they lining the cans with. Just add water to make either milk or cream. I had some at lunch and 30 mins afterwards, I was itching all over. There are also other permutations that have similar effects. This is an amazing tasting banana coconut smoothie. Thank you for pointing out that it comes from coconuts, Susan. This type of coconut oil has been found to have the highest antioxidant levels. I sometimes think that these health articles can be a little extreme. I got up one morning and could barely walk. Does not matter whether you agree with the journalistic way of writing or not what matters did it tell you what you wanted to know based on the title and more. However, if you want clean arteries get below 150 or if that is too difficult for you at least get your LDL below 100. They can all be caused by B12 deficiency. I contacted Sprouts (grocery store) to see if their cans had BPA in them. Also, chemicals involved in sensitivities to foods may slow metabolism. Eating this way WILL lower your grocery bill. So what could be wrong with coconut milk. Be glad that we actually have guys like Chris who writes a blog with some useful info and if anyone can do a better job then go ahead and do it, I always welcome new blogs that have great info on them. It got solid and I had to cut the box open, put it in a pan and heat it. Perhaps you could write next articles referring to this article. I first learned of FODMAPs through your site and have come to realize that coconut products, especially coconut flour cause the most harm. Every day it differs because the information is so contradicting. Reply Dickens says July 27, 2015 at 3:29 am The liquid inside a coconut is coconut water, not milk. to sig. Also, I use mine for weeks by putting it in a 16 oz, wide-mouth canning jar once I open the can. I am now attempting to remove all GMOs from my diet while continuing to enjoy the many benefits of coconut. Thank you for your inquiry and please feel free to contact us with any other questions or comments you may have. Reply Almas says March 4, 2013 at 8:03 am I realize there have been several comments regarding coconut water, however, my question regards FERMENTED COCONUT WATER (I got the idea from the Body Ecology Diet) but am now unsure if after fermentation (using live Kefir Grains), there is fructose (and the possible problem with fructose malabsorbtion) remaining in the Coconut Water Kefir. The randomised, double-blind, clinical trial involved 40 women aged 20-40 years. says September 19, 2015 at 4:14 pm Well, thanks for the background. Our family has switched to coconut oil and lard for cooking. I no longer eat fruit but veggies are full of fructose. Since then our cholesterol and triglycerides as per blood work have come down. The milk is the culprit, because every thing else I consumed at lunch I have on a regular basis without issues. Furthermore I am certain I am not suffering from fructose malabsorption. Employees at the FDA are human too, and tirades tend to get trashed as they are viewed as unreliable frustrating and unhelpful. I have an ailment and want to cure it (to the best of my ability). The effects of fats on these risk markers should not in themselves be considered to reflect changes in risk but should be confirmed by prospective observational studies or clinical trials. Reply Lennart says October 18, 2015 at 10:28 am I am living France and have been buying the Aroy-D Coconut milk. Reply Susan Chertkof says April 2, 2014 at 1:28 pm What is your view as to whether coconut milk and coconut oil are high in histamines. The day is coming when we will not be able to eat wheat, corn, soy and dairy. Reply Deb says November 18, 2015 at 5:45 pm I live in Illinois. Sadly I am now getting this effect every time I eat the Aroyd-D brand. Oh, and author, the title was EXCEPTIONALLY inappropriate given the content. Is it possible for my body to dislike coconut oil but be ok with coconut butter, coconut milk and coconut flour. time. The FODMAP intolerance and in particular, my considerable consumption of coconut milk, and brassicas appears to be the heart of the issue. Put the meat through a grading disk on a food processor. Reply penelope says November 1, 2014 at 8:00 pm unbelieveable that you would be insulted because other people are not as well informed or have as good purchasing choices as you. Reply elisssabeth says August 2, 2013 at 8:54 pm Those all have some seriously weird and questionable ingredients. v. The effects of eating this cause explosive diarrhoea which I prefer to avoid. I am vegan and still challenged to find foods to eat that are tasty and tolerable. I rarely if ever buy canned coconut milk because boxed milk is offered, more to a container without the fear of metal in cans. That is the point of my post, as we increased our fat intake, especially healthy saturated fat intake, our cholesterol levels decreased. This problem only started about 2-3 years ago. Lauric acid—a major component of tropical oils such as coconut and palm kernel fat—has the largest cholesterol-raising effect of all fatty acids, but much of this is due to HDL cholesterol. The one thing, however, that will be an issue for everyone is the BPA. If I were sensitive or allergic to almond milk, soy, etc etc. I, nor anyone in my family have never experienced any sort of distress from ingesting either substance. Reply Lori says August 2, 2014 at 12:10 pm How do you know that Native Forest coconut milk is BPA free. Having switched from starbucks and their half and half dairy product to an organic dark roast with Native Forest Coconut Milk I can say, yep much better, much healthier and less mucous forming. I thought I had found the perfect one with Aroyd-D which we can import here in New Zealand. Reply Scotty Boy says July 30, 2015 at 6:49 am FYI, Savoy is an Aroy-D product and I use both for different things. Reply lisa says February 23, 2014 at 10:42 am Thank you for this information. Reply Tracy says May 22, 2014 at 2:40 pm In addition, coconut milk is high in salicylates which is what I credit our reaction to. I do believe Bob Mills is the best choice here. Making cholesterol is a biological function and the cholesterol found in our blood stream is that made by the liver and not that ingested from food sources. I first tried Atkins which led me to discovering paleo. Reply mary says April 10, 2016 at 6:37 pm Raquel. Reply akel says October 27, 2015 at 3:55 pm Hi Jane, My 2 cents: I quit all forms of MSG. Almost as soon as the milk hit my stomach, I felt irritation, bloated and uneasy in my stomach. Try taking some Betaine HCL with your meals and see if that works. Sign up for FREE updates delivered to your inbox. So why do we still worry about cholesterol. single. I do not know why the almond and cashew milk upset my stomach but so far this coconut milk works well for me so will stick with it. I purchased this at Whole Foods as well as rice milk and soy milk. I went to my holistic doctor today and he explained all the ingredients in coconut milk are proven to spike estrogen- which makes you retain water- especially during Ovulation. 5 fl oz in each container. Reply Gene Pavlovsky says July 15, 2013 at 5:35 am I live in Thailand and the coconut milk and cream available here are all sold in UHT packed cartons. She always bought just coconuts and did it old school. Wahls includes neuromuscular electrical stimulation in her protocol, which I gather can strengthen muscles and promote strength and mobility. I feel I can trust them as much as I can the manufacturers here. Just wanted to share in case someone else has this problem. I realize your article is about coconut milk, but I was drawn to it anyway because of the coconut word in the title. Thank you, Allie Reply elisse says April 24, 2014 at 11:07 pm Go low and slow with the coconut oil, Allie, if you can tolerate just a little at a time it will help a lot. can (probably BPA lined) by Savoy, and it says it is a coconut extract and water. The effect on total:HDL cholesterol of replacing trans fatty acids with a mix of carbohydrates and cis unsaturated fatty acids was almost twice as large as that of replacing saturated fatty acids. This is one of the major reasons why I use it. I buy organic boxed coconut milk at whole foods. I can eat coconut or coconut butter, and use coconut oil in numerous ways, but coconut milk or coconut cream make me feel sick. I live in Istanbul and have found it here at a restaurant supply store but no where else. MSG (processed free glutamic acid) is implicated in many conditions and diseases, including weight gain and MS. Reply Cathy says February 14, 2015 at 2:56 pm I have this same problem with other So-Delicious products, but I can drink homemade coconut milk with no problems. Calorie and nutrient dense food is the way to go. Makes some good points, has links to other information, and presents alternatives. I am looking around for cheap ways to help myself, so your comments definitely have merit in my book. I tend to err on the side of caution when making broad sweeping statements like yours. Bummer, because it was going to be a good sub in Paleo desserts. A simple blood test can help identify food intolerances. It is great for cooking eggs, stir fries, grain free baked goods, and practically any other cooking use. One accomplished statistician questions the validity of the empirical evidence. Reply Kimberly says July 20, 2014 at 7:20 am I am seeking the nutritional info for this coconut milk once made. I buy the whole fat but hey also have a lite version. Reply Rhonda says January 20, 2014 at 6:17 pm Great article, it gives me the information I need to make an informed decision and the possible ramifications of that decision, without histrionics. For whatever reason, if I drink more than that, I get quite dizzy and I have to sleep it off for an hour so. Reply Laura says November 7, 2016 at 8:36 am Have you tried milk made from tiger nuts, which is a tuber, not an actual nut. Some will consume very little, and have significant disease. Reply Shawn says November 10, 2014 at 1:55 am MB, I got through your first dozen, or so, sentences and was impressed that you seemed to realize that the biggest problem causing heartache and pain between those posting here is the use of worthless generalizations. Reply jana says September 26, 2013 at 9:39 am hello, After reading the above info on coconut milk i have just one question. I tried just a cheap store brand, had real bad stomach cramps with trouble breathing. I have followed with great interest and sometimes amusement the many comments on this topic since this article was published. I use it everyday in my breakfast fruit, spinach and protein smoothie. Reply Andrea says June 17, 2013 at 5:53 pm I found your article fascinating and very helpful. Reply Charles Hicks-Moore says March 24, 2014 at 9:28 am I liked what I could read, BUT, the little rectangle that runs down the right side of my Google Chrome browser is what helps me navigate your site vertically. Could have been something in it I was allergic to, but I seen that yours has worked for people prone to have them. Reply Jeffrey says May 6, 2014 at 12:04 pm Hey Chris, Thanks for this article. I buy organic shredded coconut in bulk from our local market. I drink coconut milk out of a carton but am trying to cut back on my intake of fructose. All the points you argued were either not in my statements, or faulty assumption. A chemical can often be broken down into components, as is true with your computer. Just needs to be shaken and stirred better beforehand. I had food sensitivity testing and found out it is the PROTEINS in milk that my stomach rebels against. The good news is that with a little extra effort you can easily make this at home yourself. Can you point the negative effects (which paragraph, line, etc). The ideal levels according to lab ranges seem to be decreasing in an effort from drug companies to be able to put more patients on statins which have many side effects. As far as thickeners are concerned, this is a pet peeve of mine: why do we think we need them. Learn More B12 Deficiency What do memory loss, depression, anxiety, fatigue, nerve pain, and infertility have in common. Yes, I am not so good in understanding scientific journals. I just started approaching this and am doing lots of reading. Reply Janet says March 20, 2014 at 9:24 am We buy Golden Star Coconut Milk which comes in cans that are not lined with BPA. How i wish i could get daily health tips from this Doctor. NO other ingredients are listed on the label. Reply joy says October 16, 2015 at 1:18 pm Hi Jane, You need to get the fresh coconut, not the young coconut which is good for coconut water. I have the blood work to show the improvement. Thai kitchen is the best and no bpa liner,I buy it at Kroger Reply kathy rhodes says August 1, 2015 at 6:56 pm I was sold on Trader Joes fresh coconut milk in the milk jugs, refrigerated section. Reply Rita says July 15, 2016 at 11:57 am A very good point Dee. The other is Arroy-D, which is a brand imported from Thailand. Interestingly, as a personal trainer, I too experimented with coconut oil, yet my blood cholesterol levels are amazing. My first one is that I have heard when companies claim to be BPA free, it turns out they are using a very similar chemical (such as BPS) which still causes the same issues BPA does. Could I develop an allergic reaction to the proteins, fat, and sugars or some other chemical due to the chronic exposure. Basic physiology might prove otherwise such as saturated fats are not equal to blood lipid profile and cholesterol. Then I started looking into GM staples and found that it most mayor grain commodities hence in everything everyone eats in North America including Canada. Glyphosate is found everywhere its also known as one of the chemicals in Roundup AKA GMOs. Reply Linda says September 26, 2015 at 4:44 am I am suspicious with Arroy-D coconut milk in a can. Reply Kimberly says June 4, 2015 at 8:27 pm Sorry but you are wrong in few ways. Too many people manage their philosophies by blogs and blanket understanding posted therein. Reply Paula says January 20, 2015 at 4:02 pm Golden Star canned coconut milk contains no guar gum. Reply Sharon says February 4, 2015 at 2:07 pm Your link to Amazon comes up with cans of coconut milk that are not available. Bisphenol-A Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical that has been used in consumer goods since the 50s. I am embarrassed that I have to educate my cardiologist about cholesterol and saturated fats. He says that what is written in Thai agrees with what is posted in English. The Wahls Paleo Plus protocol is heavy on the coconut oil, so it is great to have some resources for healthy coconut oil that do not have BPA and guar gum. Buy whole coconuts drain the water crack open pry out the meat cut into smaller chunks add 32 oz filtered water to coconut meat blend in vitamix strain thru nut bag and you have fresh coconut milk. Separately, approximately 25% of the GLOBAL population has LP(a), lipoprotein a, which is associate with a significantly higher rate of MI and stroke. Fructose malabsorption Fructose malabsorption (FM) is a digestive disorder characterized by impaired transport of fructose across the small intestine. Reply Darshana says March 22, 2014 at 3:33 am I tried Kara coconut milk for the first time yesterday. The label says that it is 100% coconut milk. Reply Janelle says March 14, 2013 at 6:20 pm You can add me to the list of people who react to coconut milk with added gums, or any dairy with gums for that matter, cream cheese being the best, ice cream with guar gum the worst. It does not state on the can or packet that it contains anything more than coconut and water, if this is the case it is deceptive and surely illegal to market a product without all the ingredients listed. Thanks Reply Sheila says June 27, 2015 at 10:22 pm I had the same problem with how my breath was smelling. What concerns me about your article though, and no blame on your part, is the fact that, to a lot of people, coconut oil might be lumped into all this as a natural product to be wary of also. Kenneth Brown RHR: How To Tell If You Have A Leaky Gut RHR: Why You Need to Eat More Vegetables—and How To Do It, with Dr. I only have tried aroy d coconut milk (as far as cans go) because its the only one at the grocery store that lists only the single ingredient of what it claims to be. Reply Chris Sutton says July 10, 2014 at 3:52 am Chris, phenomenal article, as per usual. Reply D Marie says February 2, 2015 at 4:33 pm I have FM. Reply Sonja says December 8, 2015 at 7:42 am Diana, You may want to consider a paleo diet. Reply Karen says January 7, 2014 at 11:16 pm Wow. Reply Tex says July 21, 2013 at 11:25 am My Grandmother always made coconut cake for Christmas and a few other holidays. Nevertheless, I do have patients that cannot even tolerate homemade coconut milk (which has no guar gum in it), even though they are fine with coconut oil. I am interested to know more from Marie Sternquist on healing the gut. Reply Feanne says September 29, 2014 at 12:56 am The coconut milk I use is made at home, from coconut meat that was freshly grated from a whole coconut at the local wet market. As for the pressings, I only press them once and I dry them in the oven and make macaroons with them. So, it can make whipping cream or half and half, tolerable. Reply Gillian says April 20, 2015 at 7:57 pm According to Wikiiedia ( ), gellan gum is a product of the bacterium Sphingomonas elodea. What I found with ALL the Thai brands of coconut milk is that you cannot go by brand. Maybe I will try it again but I am more likely to try the coconut flake recipe posted here. Undigested fructose also reduces the absorption of water into the intestine. I have been on a fairly clean paleo diet where I have eliminated everything from a bottle or can except coconut milk, almond milk, and hemp milk. , here you can get coconut in a carton at a good price, the price shown is for 12 1 litre cartons which is the same as 30 400ml cans. Reply Diane Randall says October 16, 2015 at 12:19 pm PS I also will let go of nuts and full-fat yogurt, which I was doing. If I am cured, that means that coconut milk in a can is the culprit. Knowledge is power, and we are all physiologically different. The effects reported by the few studies done suggest that symptoms of consuming GM corn, wheat, soy, oats, etc. Some people get to enjoy going to bed every day or feeling really confident in their food choices. Listening to others bring up this concern, makes me suspicious. My second question is have you ever heard of powdered coconut milk and do you think its better than buying canned coconut milk. I like the lighter taste of that product. Reply Cindy says January 25, 2014 at 1:24 am I live in Thailand, read Thai, buy Aroi Di coconut milk all the time. Find out why thyroid problems are so often mis-diagnosed, what really causes them, and how to heal them naturally. That says to me that it is 100% coconut milk since it solidified upon being refrigerated. I make a morning meal replacement shake similar to the one in the video link below everyday and was using coconut milk. However, the can does not say BPA-Free, so the can probably is lined with BPA. I find their testing and studies to be very helpful in choosing how I supplement my diet. Every information site seems to have an opinion or a financial angle. Is there any good substitute for this in creamy paleo recipes like ice cream or tom kha gai that need full fat. Energy intake and amount of carbohydrate ingested by both groups diminished over the trial, whereas the consumption of protein and fibre increased and lipid ingestion remained unchanged. And my own personal experience also reflected that when sat. I eat moderate amount of protein and the rest is fat. regards, Reply Janis says June 6, 2013 at 12:41 pm Hi Chris, I am grateful for the information you provided as it has helped me tremendously. You both had great info and I am following up. Discover the link between what you eat and how you feel by watching our short animation here: Reply Rotonya T says July 26, 2014 at 8:48 am Chris, I enjoyed your artical. And how do you like the secret codes on ingredients in this country. In any event, bashing someone who puts out good information is not helpful for others who come along. Healthy options are available but many refined coconut oils do not have the benefits of unrefined. Reply Jenn-Jenn says May 19, 2014 at 10:33 am This is an excellent article. Then, there would not have been a need for this article but I personally glad he wrote it. Of course I buy very little canned products so I guess I could remember a yes or no on them. Easy peasy. It is easy to make at home and is hypoallergenic. I just switched to a Paleo diet and suddenly my stomach was upset after having my morning coffee (with coconut milk added as a creamer). Reply Roy says October 25, 2014 at 8:00 pm you are right on the button, as you said most of these people got into trouble eating crap foods, then someone tells them a perfectly healthy food has so much wrong with it. I must say in my mission to find the PERFECT diet that may put my Multiple Sclerosis in remission- my head is spinning with the information available. Native Forest Coconut Milk-second ingredient is guar gum. One is a big meat eater, the other is not. You may also want to increase your vitamin D intake. Reply MB says November 11, 2014 at 2:12 pm OK. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides And Polyols. Creamed coconut is more granular and is better for using in recipes, smoothies, etc, but kind of gritty in coffee. I have tried making my own coconut cream but it is quite a process. By that standard, risk is reduced most effectively when trans fatty acids and saturated fatty acids are replaced with cis unsaturated fatty acids. Reply Brett Borders says July 23, 2014 at 7:32 am One good option is frozen coconut milk, available at fine Asian grocery stores. Reply Carie says May 20, 2015 at 12:29 pm They still have the Organic, Non-GMO, BPA Free Native Forest cans on Amazon Reply Yo Mammie says June 22, 2015 at 10:55 pm I think all this stuff is so funny. I personally did like the CHOCOLATE version, given to me by a cousin today. I searched the internet and found the blood type diet. And lists which products do on their website. I lived over a decade there. Great for baking, stir-frys or as a dairy free replacement to butter. Look for a similar brand in your store next to the milk in the fridge section, here we have Silk Brand Coconut Milk and a few others, but that is what my closest supermarket carries. Reply daz wazlle says September 5, 2016 at 9:32 pm Goat milk is exactly the same as cows milk with one exception, it lacks the enzyme to curdle. Reply Gail H says October 22, 2014 at 5:36 am Izzy, thank you. None of us can find Palm Tree and Coconut Tree at the North Pole or Arctic countries. I always tell my wife that in the same time I could get up and go buy a liter of coconut milk from the store, I could make 4 liters and put it in the fridge. To test the safety of gellan gum, the diets of ten volunteers were supplemented with gellan gum at approximately 30 times the level of normal dietary exposure for 23 days. Reply Melissa says May 30, 2015 at 12:06 pm In my opinion, it is best to make your own. Or, can a low carb diet ruin your health. Just goes to show that varying up your food is really important. Reply Louisa Oneill says January 13, 2014 at 3:58 pm I made the coconut milk with the flakes, it was really nice and creamy. Trader Joes states that their canned coconut products do not contain BPA. Seems strange that those are the only options and many of us do have the sensitivity. Thank you. Owing to the LP(a) genetic glitch which deposits fat rapidly to my vessels, I do not heap it on. Yet, filled with research and study that doesnt support or analyze the actual facts related to coconut milk or coconut products in general. Reply Jake says December 20, 2015 at 6:11 pm There is skepticism to the claim that BPA is harmful. If there is no BPA, what else did they substitute that with which years from now, we will find out can be causing issues. He clearly and pretty concisely pointed out three possible reasons why someone might react to it. I can eat either of those as if I were binging on cookies or ice cream, and an increase in abdominal fat follows. good luck. If you have m. Guar gum The other potential problem with canned coconut milk is guar gum. I began a strict sugar-free diet a week ago to try to help with bad breath and a persistent bad taste in my mouth as I read that yeast may be the problem. It is used to make polycarbonate (water bottles, baby bottles) and epoxy resins (can liners). I also like that their canned version was low fat. Reply Karl arman says November 7, 2014 at 6:29 pm In 2009 the result of a study of 136,905 people with CVD that were hospitalized, half had low cholesterol and half had high cholesterol. Aside from making it ourselves, I feel like it is the best alternative. Reply Diane Randall says October 16, 2015 at 12:16 pm Dear Jane, Thank you for your replies. I am curious to know if this is an actual issue in coconut milk or just an assumption. Reply Alicia says August 1, 2014 at 1:15 pm I buy this organic brand from Amazon, it has nothing added to it like guar gum and the cans are BPA free and lined. The few times I had a bad bout of it was when I was eating a lot of sprouted grain products, so I am assuming it was the irritation from the fiber. The mean decrease in uncorrected dense LDL cholesterol was four fold greater in apo AIV T347S S individuals (n 29) compared with T:T individuals (n 15) but these changes were not statistically different. My diet greatly affects how much brain damage that I incur. Reply louis says December 14, 2015 at 7:16 pm Read up on pufas, hazelnut oil is an excellent way to gain unhealthy fat, especially when combined with sugar (particularly fructose). According to the research literature, coconut is not a FODMAP. After reading this article I got some creamed coconut and made my own milk with no additives. I also learned that apples and black beans can irritate IBS. The coconut milk I bought is just as the article says. I entere google this afternoon to ask if coconut milk can cause stomach upset when i had a running stomach after taking coconut milk. If I would to travel further North or South to COLD weathers, then the Omega 3 will help me in the winters and also Sqaulene Oil (which can be obtained from Olive Oil) to balance out my diet when I m in winter months. Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women presenting abdominal obesity. As Chris says so often, you have to find what works for you. While these drugs fix my gut issues short-term, Im worried about the longer term damage they are doing to my gut flora. It should have dawned on me that coconut milk is likely not my friend. Reply ShivaD says January 10, 2016 at 2:08 pm Hi. Given my lunch consisted of quinoa and black bean burger and an apple was mixed into my coconut milk smoothie, I will be sure to try coconut milk once again, but without the other possible irritants. Thailand ships the frozen coconut meat and coconut H2o and this place is the first to thaw out. I have backed off on these foods and for the first time, I am pain free. I am still testing my most recent hypothesis for myself though and wondered if anyone else had any thoughts or experience to add. That seems somewhat less than guar and carageenan. I do not count anything, except to get to make sure to eat enough protein. not so big on drinking milk, but loves goat yogurt, goat kefir and LOVES lots of greens. I made water kefir and drank a bout a quart of it over 2 days. fat is increased, esp. Guar gum is a galactomannan, which is a polysaccharide consisting of a mannose backbone with a galactose side group. Really though, one of your three points is actually pointing out how BPA, not coconut milk, is (maybe) bad. Reply Jamie says July 30, 2013 at 1:24 am I used to be the same but I started taking taking Betaine HCL and that cleared it all up. For others looking up info, the Paleo Mom has a good article on this:. So, thank you for your professional, sensible advice. Naturally clears up cold sores Ingesting coconut oil daily can help with allergy symptoms Some people say ingesting. after the stomach cramps I stayed in the bathroom for 30 mins. What I do with that information is now up to me. Raw coconut butter is coconut flesh pureed. Categories Digestion Environmental Toxins Paleo Diet Affiliate Disclosure This website contains affiliate links, which means Chris may receive a percentage of any product or service you purchase using the links in the articles or advertisements. Make your own coconut milk with coconut shavings and hot water, and you will be fine. Reply Annalisa says July 22, 2015 at 9:01 pm You should sincerely look into almond milks ingredients and truth about it. You can then retrieve the flesh using a sharp knife if necessary. It is now widely recognised that BPAs are harmful and it has been eliminated from most products. Not sure if its available in the US but the brand is from Thailand. Reply Paulo says January 28, 2016 at 9:16 am Well for anyone that doubts that cholesterol benefits of coconut fat, all they need to do is get a before and after blood test to see if it works for them. 5 lbs a week with no change in exercise, and my achy joints, tendon issues, and rosacea are all rapidly clearing (1 month in). I wanted to thank you for this useful information. Types of Coconut Oil There are several choices when it comes to using this healthful fat. Hence, the ancient world people somehow eat the food found in their own lands (or countries of residence). A high FODMAP food and a high fructose are two entirely different things. (21) Gellan gum acted as a bulking agent similar to xanthan gum, but no adverse effects were reported. I had been in search of the cause of my digestive issues for at least 10 years without being able to pin it down. Reply Sonya says May 21, 2013 at 9:30 pm Hi, My one year old son has a true milk protein allergy. My issue with saying BPA free is the following. I think it is something they put into it besides the coconut milk. Reply Douglas says November 14, 2014 at 9:52 am Good morning. Also available (but harder to find) is extra virgin coconut oil in glass bottles, I love cooking meat with it. Your title basically said that coconut was bad for us. I found this article after drinking a smoothie with coconut milk by Native Forest (and it did contain some guar gum). EG Test all of the coconut milks and publish it. Results continued to be hit and miss, but when it fell right it felt great. There, you got the coconut milk, and then boil it and use it immediately. In 2011 the company announced that its cans would be BPA free. Reply Joy says August 28, 2015 at 4:56 pm Chris, Not sure if anyone helps you yet. Silk and SoDelicious both make different kinds of coconut milk that are sold in the refrigerated section of common grocery stores. Reply Michelle says March 25, 2015 at 8:40 am can i mix Coconut Milk with brown rice protein powder vanilla. For my body, It looks like coconut milk creates an allergic reaction in the gut, so I will not have Kara coconut milk and will try to make my own from your recipe. Reply marge201 says January 25, 2015 at 10:04 am I bought a pack of Aroy-D coconut milk, 8. This additive is found in ice creams, syrups, sauces, and many commercially packaged, highly processed foods. ALL of us. I wonder, is everyone this moody because they have digestive health issues. My net weight loss was about 20 pounds, but only if I manage to stay away from the all-too-tempting nuts and full fat yogurt. 5 cups water blend for 2-3 minutes strain put in mason jar and refrigerate I will use a little of this milk (once chilled) with a banana and some crushed ice and a little filtered water, put it back in the Magic Bullet and mix. They have different ingredients and different issue to consider. For external uses, expeller pressed, fractionated or other types of refined coconut oil will work, but for internal use, an unrefined organic oil is best. In fact, coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid after breastmilk. Coconut water contains a variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals with many health benefits. But carageenan gum is heated and concentrated Irish Moss that is then highly processed into chemical form. Currently losing 1 to 1. Some manufacturers may have ceased using BPA, but there are many other BPs, as you can see in Wikipedia. Reply Deb says July 31, 2015 at 4:26 am Savoy brand tastes like tin can so does Trader Joes. Reply Diana VP says December 26, 2013 at 4:16 pm Natural Value sells Coconut Milk and Organic Coconut Milk in BPA-Free cans on Amazon. Do you have any concerns regarding the mature nuts I buy from my local corner vegetable market. Reply abe says May 25, 2013 at 10:37 pm I think the Omega 3 intake has been distorted over the years. I believe Breyers has a brand that is all natural and the list of ingredients is very small, so it is a possible example. I have noticed a difference in my bowl since I started using this coconut milk. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of dietary fats on total:HDL cholesterol may differ markedly from their effects on LDL. Then switch the the normal blade and I blend it with the reserved coconut water. or read in magazines. I just use a mesh colander and press it with a spoon. Since I concluded the last bout of antibiotics 11 months ago, I have tightened the diet to a more paleo-centric one focused on higher fat, lower carb and have been virtually gluten free, while also upping my exercise via crossfit and taking probiotics 2x a day. I have just eaten a yoghurt made from coconut milk and whilst it was delicious, I experienced a burning in the stomach and felt odd in general. I stumbled upon this article because I heard I could use coconut milk as a healthy alternative to creamer. Plus, the type in refrigerated cartons often contain ingredients some people are trying to avoid. Carageenan gum has lost the nutritional value of Irish Moss and makes it a potential health hazard. Arugula, Kale, Mix Power Green, Spinach ect. In fact he even gives a recipe to make your own. Our suggested term is non-Epoxy, which means that BPA will not be a part of the initial can, but as you know BPA is now present in our world and will take years to disappear from water, soil and other places before we can say BPA free. Reply Sheila says May 19, 2015 at 6:48 pm Jeff, what is the name of the one you found that is the good one. That distinction needs to be made, because it is very possible to make your own coconut milk. I find that blanching the coconut flakes prior to blending improves the results. Its natural antioxidant properties make it great for stopping wrinkles and skin irritation. Reply D says March 4, 2015 at 3:48 pm When I consume guar gum I get this tingly, itchy, sensation particularly on my limbs. This is a hazardous chemical which has been known to cause, asthma, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems. If they were right, why would so many Americans be sick and dying. Just walking outside and breathing is bad for your health. In diet SAFA, 21% of energy came from saturated fatty acids and 3% from polyunsaturated fatty acids. Coconut milk and cold-pressed sesame oil are the only fats I add to any recipe. The only reason Chris has written this article is because he wants you to buy those brands. Please make the distinction. I scoured the internet for as much info as possible but found a lot of conflicting info and too many personal opinions. I truly wish their were more doctors educated the way you have done so. Just whip egg whites into a meringue and fold in the flakes. Reply PC says January 28, 2014 at 2:07 pm This site is for ill people though. Thank you Reply tracey says April 20, 2014 at 7:35 pm Banaban coconut products are BPA free and organic. Also go to the website of Dr John McDougall MD for supporting scientific information and tasty recipes. was the source, the hdl and ldl both went up, as well as the total. Reply Roy says October 25, 2014 at 8:06 pm Yes Bethany, google a man lives on sunlight and water, wonder what skeptics and bloggers will have to find wrong with that. They have reviews on almost 150 health and nutritional products created by independent testing. Reply Maria says November 3, 2014 at 3:17 pm I think you and many others are sadly mistaken. 5 grams of total fat and not more than 0. Fodmaps app has suggested that canned coconut milk should be ok but I still have problems with it. I presume you are referring to meat, which is not necessary as vegans can get adequate protein from many vegetables, like sweet potato (20% protein) etc. I would be very interested to hear what you all think of this crazy but simple suspicion, everyone should consider this when evaluating coconut and its results. My colleague is from Thailand and he read the Arroy-D packaging for me. In diet PUFA, 11% of energy came from saturated fatty acids and 10% from polyunsaturated fatty acids. Or does it interact with the fat portion of the cream as well. I did not feel that the title was out of line with the content nor did I feel that the article was misleading. We do not use the words Non-BPA as this is apparently a misnomer. Also, maybe revisiting some of the basic human biology lessons taught in school may change your view on things such as good and bad cholesterol. Reply josie says October 28, 2014 at 3:06 pm just buy the unsweetened shredded coconut from a health store. Reply hendrat says September 25, 2016 at 11:43 pm Coconut water is the clear water in young thai coconuts. So. If you separated the water into two batches, put the strained coconut back into the blender with the second batch of water. I also struggle with brain fog and fatigue and had not made the association with the BPA or thickeners or emulsifiers used in my dairy free milks. The food industry cares about making money, not about nurturing health through good nutrition. Reply MB says November 9, 2014 at 11:30 am I see this conversation digressing into a bunch of debate over factual causes of heart disease, etc etc. Reply izzy says October 22, 2014 at 12:38 am I found out I was having salicylate intolerance (search salicylate sensitivity) and high uric acid was also a piece of the puzzle. Reply Flibberdejibbet says May 11, 2016 at 9:25 am I just wanted to support this comment. Reply S says November 4, 2014 at 11:57 am coco. We tend to be over-simplistic to our detriment. This results in increased levels of undigested fructose in the gut, which in turn causes overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. Reply Me says January 3, 2016 at 6:13 am I 100% disgree. They can water it down and then thicken it using the gum. It seems to me that if you want to be sure your coconut milk is pure, make it yourself from a whole coconut. Reply Laurie Fosner says October 1, 2014 at 5:04 pm Thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into these articles. Coconut milk can also be made quite easily at home, with coconut flakes, a blender and cheesecloth. Reply JanCarol says April 20, 2015 at 10:29 am I am in Australia. Reply Mollie says May 17, 2013 at 6:19 am Is there any known association between coconut (milk or otherwise) and hormonal alterations (like the estrogenic effect of soy products). You will have to get used to the separation in the milk and fat if you are used to brands that have guar gum to emulsify them, but honestly the flavor and overall quality of this brand is excellent. People, we have to stop falling for these marketing ploys. You are a respectable writer and honesty goes a long way too. After about 5 weeks the symptoms have reduced significantly which is why I am now suspecting candida. Nice. It even states on the package to use within 2 days or it will congeal. Thank you for the heads-up Reply mcbeauty says August 21, 2013 at 5:40 am Also, the ingredients are 75% coconut extract and water, nothing else. Reply Chris Kresser says May 21, 2013 at 3:39 pm I have no relationship whatsoever with these companies. — Jane Reply Jane says October 19, 2015 at 9:11 am Joy, Thank you. Reply Panda says April 21, 2013 at 8:49 pm According to the information on Arroy-D in Thai, it is 100% coconut milk and no preservatives. There is no blanket statement that will solve the debate whether one food is good or bad for you. Reply Kim Davis says March 3, 2016 at 7:49 pm Ian, Vitamix containers are made of acrylic, not plastic. - (do you know what it is. The brand I got is wilderness family naturals. Reply susan says October 21, 2014 at 7:38 pm Gail, I am pretty new to paleo and am also having this issue. Just that not a wide range of areas will carry it. Reply Karen W says May 23, 2014 at 11:35 am Thank you, Chris, for a very informative article. Reply robert redfern says August 31, 2014 at 11:57 am The only solution is a subscription based co-operative that will do the scientific testing of all of the products available and has no financial interest in anything other than good information for its members. This is accomplished through establishing of a market of guided consumption based on the creation and exploitation of FEAR. Confusing. Note: Native Forest is organic, but Arroy-D is not. They have not done any research on those diets, or their effects. This must be the case for the majority of these people here too. Understanding this begs the question: What DO we KNOW about Chemicals that makes them not good for you. I have never seen canned coconut milk, only cartoned, such as the So Delicious brand, in the freezer section. Learn More Effortless Paleo Weight Loss Are you struggling to lose weight—or keep it off. Reply Judy says January 10, 2014 at 4:03 am I agree with you Karen, well said. This CDC report found BPA in the urine of 93% of adults. I also tried to make ice cream and the same thing happened. Thanks for sharing. EVERY other coconut cream in supermarket and health food stores contain guar gum. Reply Vicki says July 17, 2016 at 6:38 pm Have you tried an enzyme. And yes I did read this article which is why I am suggesting the freshest recipe free from additives.

The creamer is different though as it has a seaweed ingredient for thickness, that causes me terrible gastro distress. Reply Chris Deards says October 3, 2013 at 3:59 pm Has anyone else seen a thin layer of gray film at the bottom of the Native Forest Coconut Milk cans. I do have digestive problems but it seems when i use the Silk coconut milk I feel fine, I also love the new Cashew milk out now but it does seem to upset my digestion (along with other nut milks I have tried like Almond milk). Changes in dense LDL were similar in LPL S:S and S:X individuals. Otherwise it has the same sugars, proteins, fats, mineral levels. Coconut milk also comes in tetra-paks which should be BPA free but some of those brands also contain gums. There are many brands of almond and coconut milk that only have a couple ingredients. I do use canned coconut milk from time to time but prefer to use fresh whenever possible. This chips up the fiber so fine that it acts as a thickener. All this happiness came quickly down when I read this article. It is added to curries and other sauces to make them thick and creamy. Reply Kimberly says June 4, 2015 at 8:47 pm Just warm it up till the cream melts and stir it together before you put it in whatever you are making. However there are so many exceptions that you would have to carry a print out of the statement with you for every shopping trip. Some organic ingredients, contains No carrageenan but contains guar gum and some other gum ingredient. BTW I had no idea there was even such a product as the coconut milk I buy is in the fridge section right by the milk, in a milk carton type container. This is scary in light of a recent study which found an association between neurobehavioral problems in infants and high levels of BPA in their mothers. He clearly mentions- and instructs how- to prepare your own coconut milk. Reply Kieran says April 7, 2014 at 2:46 pm Thank you for sharing this information. , with over 700 supporting scientific references. I have been researching everything I can on the very healthy coconut, especially coconut oil. Magnesium helped to alkalize the excessive acidity and helped the liver to detox and produce glutathione. It comes in a wax container and lasts for a few weeks. Technically speaking, so is a chunk of your computer. I use coconut cream because it is low carb. Reply louis says December 14, 2015 at 7:20 pm Almond butter as well. When I tried to make a smoothee with it the cream stayed in fatty clumps. However, so many people out there are just such huge suckers and sheep. Do not start to pick on small things like that rather enjoy the article and comment regarding its contents. Yes and that probably applies mostly to those people out there who have every known medical condition, and a few others besides cheers keep your food real and try not to develop all the illnesses that you see on the web, hear on t. I follow the GAPS protocol with some modifications to avoid dairy and eggs, which again, I am sensitive to. As no preservatives are added to Blue Monkey, it is sealed to preserve freshness and exposure to any possible contaminants- 100% natural coconut water, just like drinking from a coconut. The first big issue is carrageenan which has been linked to intestinal and digestive issues. You can google the science that debunked it, if you care to find out, but I would never base my diet on that book. I have never had a reaction to Carrageenan so I never realized the difference between healthy Carageen and the highly concentrated chemical concoction that is Carrageenan. Probably not a good idea to guzzle this stuff. It has been quite satiating having it in my drink, trying to get healthy fats in my body, which has helped me also lose weight. If you look at the Natural Value milk it looks and taste more like real coconut milk. I recommend that you look up Terry Wahls, MD. Local grocery stores offer Silk brand but have sugar added to milk. I am mindful that it might not work for me to chow down on it. Read this eBook to find out which ingredients you should be concerned about, and which are safe. Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. That being said, I did find evidence that Carrageenan, not Carrageen, is known to cause problems for some people. By that I mean making from scratch all the things we buy ready made. I use it regularly and it makes my very sensitive gut happy. You may find that big Pharma provides their pay-packet too, which then makes them not strictly unbiased. The 2 ingredients are coconut milk and water. Reply Al says August 27, 2013 at 6:15 pm Hello Mr Kresser, and everyone. I have, and continue to have, numerous health benefits from this amazing healthy food, including healthier skin, hair, and 10 lbs lost in a month. Reply Janet says April 19, 2013 at 8:12 am Kayla, of course I feel the same way. They just latch onto whatever BS trend rolls out, and follow everyone else. Reply Diana VP says December 26, 2013 at 4:14 pm Well, first off, the brand you describe has carrageenan in it. However when I put the rest in the fridge, the cream floated to the top and became rock hard. I know saturated fat is good for us and has finally been vindicated and reached cult status, but seriously, we are all eating way too much of the stuff. The carton states 100% coconut milk as the ingredient, both in Thai and English. People all over, garbage coming out, dumpsters in the yard, etc. After 24 hours, it gets stale and acidic, and yuck. I was unsure as to whether guar gum was safe or not, but instinctively knew to stay away from it. Reply parf says June 25, 2013 at 8:33 am Useful article that reminds me everyone is different. 1 cup shredded coconut, use more if using flakes 1. Reply MARTHA says August 8, 2015 at 6:51 am That would be coconutwater not coconut milk Reply Michelle Watson says August 16, 2015 at 6:42 am Unfortunately you would be drinking coconut water. You give a lot of statistics on fructose malabsorption and then zero on actual fructose concentration of coconut milk. Jesus, all the bandwagon people that have no clue. Thank you in advance, Kind regards, Kim Reply Una Blogga says July 3, 2015 at 11:16 pm Looking at sugars versus polyols and certain non-digestible fibers (FOS or fructooligosaccharides) may help answer your question. Its use was recommended to me by my Indian cookery teacher who is a retired GP. Thank you if you choose to take on this question. Reply Colin says September 4, 2014 at 10:56 am What about saturated fat content and its effects on blood lipids. Reply Shawna says October 30, 2016 at 12:07 am You did mention guar gum but unless I missed it (which is possible as I am very tired at the moment) some brands also contain xanthan gum which I know I am highly intolerant of and I believe it is more problematic than guar. Thanks again Reply Sue says May 20, 2015 at 6:42 pm If you have a smart phone download the app Chemical Maize and use it while grocery shopping, all our Australian codes for food and cosmetics are in it. If I think I am a healthy person now and I start making and drinking my own coconut milk everyday will I transgress into a person with IBS over time. Also, in the things I use coconut milk for, coconut water is just too thin. This is not a pure coconut milk, but a milk substitute which contains filtered water, coconut milk 8. Natie. I think the world of the information on this site and perhaps this one article could be edited. It comes in a 5oz bottle that is strictly a blend of the coconut meat and raw coconut water. I think we in current times are way too dependent on convenience and companies to provide our food needs. I lowered my sat. You can never protect yourself from all health risks, so why make your life so miserable. Possibly the same thing happening with the coconut milk. Reply Crunchy Mama says December 3, 2015 at 12:46 am Yes. Reply Mary says May 20, 2013 at 12:37 pm This article is a classic example of trying to sell certain product by spreading FEAR over the competing products, in this case, the rest of the brands not mentioned by his article. I have suffered from IBS like symptoms since I was 16 (I am now 56) and was dissapointed that although a Paleo diet was very beneficial to my health in may ways, that I still struggled with some intestinal pain. Of course I have been doing other things to help myself as well, mainly by eating whole foods and eliminating all grains and sugars. I also consumed about a pint of home made coconut milk today. Fresh coconut milk should be used within 3-4 days of making it for the best flavor and texture. Reply Mike says June 2, 2014 at 6:48 pm Be careful of Coconul oil, in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine this is a very heaty food and will cause inflammation, coughing and disease in those whose metabolism are not suited for it, especially children and O blood types, who should be on a paleo diet and avoid any tropical foods. Genetic factors associated with response of LDL subfractions to change in the nature of dietary fat. so it is pure pure coconut with no additive and you can use it as butter on toast and it is yum. I also started coconut oil several months ago. That is what i do when i need coconut milk and i make my own coconut yogurt this way. Weight Energy Digestion Brain Overall Health All of the Above I hate spam too. 5 FL OZ Tetra Brik containers which avoids BPA issues from plastic containers. Reply Sonya says May 22, 2013 at 9:53 am Thanks. I am also wondering if you know anything about using it for a 14 month old to replace dairy milk as he is allergic to dairy. If anyone out there can, please leave a comment below. Yes it was a bit dramatic but you have to come up with titles that are true yet get the readers to read. I noticed that a preservative named potassium metebesulfite was listed as an ingredient. My dietary proclivities have been changing most of my life, due to MS (not the other way around). So my question is any can coconut milk, when applied on the hair, is as bad as consuming it to what you report about and if so should I buy the coconut milk that you preferred. Does Native Forest come in cans that are not lined with BPA. is indeed constant bloating, general digestive inflammation which leads to irregular flow through the digestive system. A few sharp hard taps on the veins should result in the nut cracking horizontally around the nut. Most of the coconut-based beverages contain sweeteners of various kinds as well. So thank you, Chris Kresser, for your excellent article. I have been bothered by the long list of additives, especially vitamin D2. levels, total cholesterol goes up. Frozen coconut milk has good taste, but not quite the same luscious texture and freshg. Reply Shawn says February 24, 2015 at 4:21 pm Leave it to our food industry to take a very healthful substance, then alter it so dramatically that it has nearly the opposite effect of the original substance. and accept it. Do u think I should continue with the meds and hope this is the last time. Reply Angela Ursery says September 3, 2013 at 2:12 pm Natural Value is another brand of